Memories of Ruthanne
An album of special memories from friends and family.
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Sonia Lamoreaux
Dear Simmons Stern family: I am Ruthanne's first grade teacher at the Pierce School, Newton, circa l965-66. I was stunned, and very saddened to learn of Ruthanne's passing, in the current Wesleyan University alumni magazine. I send my love, fond rememberences, condolsenses to your dear family.
After teaching in Newton for several years, I returned to California, after my husband completed his MBA program at the Harvard Business School. I have often wondered what had become of my star first graders, wondering how their precious lives had developed. I was very proud to read of Ruthanne, her life, the awesome accomplishments she achieved, to see her gorgeous lovely family. But also stunned, and deeply saddened.
I remember Ruthanne clearly, as though it was yesterday, a star in her first grade class, eyes sparking, smiling ear to ear, adorable in blond pig tails, a plaid pleated skirt, warm tights, minus front teeth. She devoured the first grade academics, read so eagerly, with excitement. She wanted me to correct her school work, as she watched, so she could get immediate feedback, see her progress, and push on to more learning. I clearly remember her dear mother Anne, their family, having lunch in their home.
For it seems like only several years ago, that Ruthanne was an adorable lovely child, I find it overwhelming to think of all the years that have passed. But what accomplishments, what incredible path's Ruthanne took. Now how deeply saddened I am, to learn of her passing. I can sense the strength, courage, faith that Ruthanne had during this most difficult time. I cried for her!
I was indeed comforted to read the many tributes, rememberences. The photo collection is uplifting, was very special for me. God bless and love Ruthanne. God bless your dear family.
Special condolenses and love, Sonia Lamoreaux
16 April 2003
- Mill Valley, California
adrienne and eugene colan
We miss her every day. every day we think of her. Sometimes one of us will bring up her name and we're always surprised to find the other is thinking about her too. Eugene has glaucoma. He was reccomended to Ruthanne by our local opthamologist Dr. Du Bouff here in Manchester, Vermont when he found Gene's glaucoma too advanced for him to handle. Dr. Richard Simmons saw Gene first and determined he needed surgery right away. We were sent into Ruthanne's examining room where she took over from there. That was about ten years ago. She was not only successful in saving the sight in Gene's left eye, but his right eye as well. She has maintained the stability of his aggressive glaucoma by giving such careful thought as to how to treat it and such amazing courage and skill in her application of meds and a variety of surgeries and post-op proceedures. She was his doctor to the day she stopped practicing and even beyond in her advice to Gene from time to time from her home. Always dedicated, welcoming and unpretentious. And that smile. Gene is 76 and I'm 61. We always thought of her as a darling girl. Our dear Ruthanne. We expressed our gratitude to her in every way, every chance we got. It's taken me 5 1/2 months to write our thoughts. there's something about what happened to Ruthanne and her passing that has taken our breath away. It's hard to understand and accept. We miss her terribly and always will. Our hearts go out to her children, husband and parents. What a profound blow. We pray for you to find peace and joy as you continue on. our deepest condolensces
15 April 2003
- manchester center, vermont
Sara (Laura's friend)
I never really knew Ruthanne, but from reading this site and all the messages, i know that she was a very loved woman, and i can tell how much poeple miss her.
31 March 2003
- 455 6369
Susan Haddad MacPhail
What a beautiful website. I was fortunate to be Ruthanne’s roommate during her first semester at Wesleyan and the photos of her at that time brought back a wonderful stream of memories. It was great to see them and to remember the light in her eyes, her beautiful warm smile, and most of all her excitement about her developing relationship with Bob. I remember Ruthanne excitedly writing “Apple Picking with Bob” on her calendar and telling me about a wonderful person she was seeing from her hometown. A very short time later, I remember the pure joy she expressed after Bob let her know he would prefer she not date anyone else! She was certain she had found her soul mate, and of course she was right.
I remember Ruthanne’s daily meditation practice, how centered she was, how clear about her priorities. I remember her very straightforward way of discussing health issues and am sure she was absolutely magnificent at communicating with her patients. I remember her amazing mind and study habits: she had a reading difference that with her indomitable attitude she turned into a strength, and when she studied a page of a science text, she learned it fully and never had to look at it again. I remember with gratitude her sharing with me her love of good books (she pointed me towards an outstanding English literature course taught by Phyllis Rose, which was one of the best classes I took at Wesleyan).
I remember Bob graciously consoling me while Ruthanne was packing up her things to move out of our room at the end of the semester, when the impact of her leaving really hit me. In particular, he recommended different ways I could rearrange the furniture in our room so it would feel like a single rather than a double. Bob, years later, words cannot convey how sorry I am to learn about your tremendous loss. I wish you and your family the best.
Love, Susan
31 March 2003
- Durham, North Carolina
Brian Tarbox
Although I haven't seen Ruthanne in many years this news still feels like a body blow. A beautiful light has moved away from the rest of us.
I met Ruthanne at Wesleyan at the reception for new transfer students; she was one of my first friends there. I remember calling her in the middle of the night once after hearing that a friend had died and without hesistation she came out and comforted me.
We didn't see each other many times after Wesleyan and I knew I was the worse for not having this wonderful person in my life more. Never let a chance go by to connect with a good and kind soul.
Though its been many years, these tears are real. God bless, Ruthanne and her family.
24 March 2003
- Littleton, MA